Private Pasta Classes

Build unforgettable memories

with friends, family, or coworkers.

Cut pasta

filled pasta

gluten free pasta

You decide.

Learn the art of handmade pasta from Olivia's co-owner, head chef and pasta whisperer, Ty Leon.

These are hands-on classes, be ready to roll up your sleeves and roll out the dough.

Chef Ty will walk you through Olivia's tried-and-true noodle recipes, sharing stories of his favorite ingredients and techniques, as well as instructions for cooking the perfect al dente dish.

Never kneaded? No problem. Classes are beginner-friendly and expert-approved.

Create your pasta adventure

The Apericena - includes snacks and beverages to suit your mood. Choose from charcuterie boards or Olivia appetizers, to mocktails, wine or spritz.

The Casalinga - includes individual jars of Olivia’s house made pasta sauce and Olivia aprons for home.

The Epicureo - includes a curated multi-course meal in our private dining room.

Let’s design your perfect experience.